Steve Sims – The Original Wizard of Oz at

Steve Sims came from the side of the tracks that wanted to live on the other side of the tracks.  A third generation construction worker Steve would watch the guys in suits walking to the financial district and think, “Thats where I want to be.  Where the whisky is cold and the secretaries are all hot.”  Thats when the magical roller coaster that is Steve Sims began its fantastic ride.

Steve has a great story.  One to inspire everyone.  He’s a guy that just leans into it and it has taken him to the highest level of luxury concierge offerings.  Want to be at that really cool after party?  Ask Steve?  Want to play tennis with the Pope? Steve can make that happen.  Want to kiss Maria Sherapova?  Steve can probably make that happen (Or, wait…maybe it was the other way around.)

Either way, have a listen as I interrogate Steve Sims on what it takes to be him while he sips on a Japanese Whisky delivered to him by his lovely wife.  (My wife was sleeping at the time of this interview.  I just have a water)  Cheers!

To view the interview, you can go to:

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