

4 Relationship Techniques From ‘the Real-Life Wizard of Oz’   Steve Sims is the best-selling author of Bluefishing: The Art of Making Things Happen. I’m saying this honestly, it is one of the smartest books on...
Screw the Naysayers

Screw the Naysayers

THE ART OF MAKING THINGS HAPPEN | STEVE SIMS     Steve Sims has worked with Sir Elton John and Elon Musk, sent people down to see the wreck of the Titanic on the sea bed and closed a museum in Florence for a private dinner party beneath Michael Angelo’s...


These 3 Events Are the Best-Kept Secrets You Won’t Want to Miss in 2020 In a noisy content world filled with Insta-gurus and lifestyle influencers, our social media newsfeeds are bombarded with offers to attend events and seminars that...


Mr. Fantasy   Steve Sims is the ultimate arranger of the should-be impossible experience   For a former bricklayer from the harsh environment of East London, it has been quite a journey to the rarified air of the handful of people who can pull off truly...


CEO Steve Sims Reveals What It Means to Be a Bluefisher The older I get, the more I appreciate people who are comfortable being themselves. If there’s one person that embodies that, it’s Steve Sims, Founder and CEO of, a luxury concierge group that...
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